
  1. The Squarax Spatial Power Combiner
  2. Particle Tracing Simulation of An Electron Gun for THz Application
  3. Computational Electromagnetic design of the Squarax Spatial Power Combiner
  4. Virtual Prototyping of a Microwave Fin Line Power Spatial Combiner Amplifier
  5. Thermal and Solid-Mechanics FEM Simulation of a Microwave Spatial Power Combiner Amplifier
  6. Sub-Millimetric Vacuum Electron Gun Design and Characterization
  7. Key-Holes Magnetron Multiphysics Simulation
  8. Multiphisics Modeling Based Design of a Key-Holes Magnetron
  9. Multiphysics Design of a Spatial Combiner Predisposed for Thermo-mechanically Affected Operation
  10. The Squarax Amplifier: An Electromagnetic and Thermo-Mechanical Innovation
  11. Tuned Window for Standing Wave Linear Accelerators
  12. High Transparent Matched Window for Standing Wave Linear Accelerators
  13. Virtual Prototype of a Dielectric Window for High Power Microwave Tubes
  14. A true-time-delay networks design technique
  15. Multiphysics Design of a Magnetron High Power Transfer System
  16. High Efficiency Ka-Band SpatialCombiner
  17. Analysis and Design of a GaAs Monolithic Tunable Polyphase Filter in S/C Bands
  18. Spatial Power Combiner Technology
  19. A Novel Ka-band Spatial Combiner Amplifier: Global Design and Modeling
  20. Electron Beam Detection by Induced Resonance in Cylindrical Cavity
  21. Radiation Measurements of a Medical Particle Accelerator Through a Passive Resonant Cavity
  22. Magnetron High Power System Design
  23. Real-Time Beam Monitor for Charged Particle Medical Accelerators
  24. Broadband TE10 to TE20 Mode Transformer for X Band
  25. New Six-Way Waveguide to Microstrip Transition applied in X Band Spatial Power Combiner
  26. Global Design of a Waveguide X-Band Power Amplifier
  27. Multiphysics Design of a Klystron Buncher
  28. Injection/Bunching Section Design of a Sub-millimetric Klystron
  29. Advanced Design of a Low Energy Electron Source
  30. Computational Model of a Buncher Cavity for Millimetric Klystron
  31. Extending the Endurance. Missions and Capabilities of NAVs Using Plasmonics Harvester and New Energy Storage Technologies
  32. The Next Generation: Miniaturized Objects, Self Powered Using Nanostructures to Harvest Ambient Energy
  33. Nano Energy Harvesting with Plasmonic Nano-Antennas: A review of MID-IR Rectenna and Application
  34. The new frontier in Solid State Power Amplifier: the Spatial Power Amplifier







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